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Adult paysite "Private"

PRIVATE.COM is the largest European multilingual network of sites, updated daily with the hottest HD scenes on the web. With over 10 sites covering all the top niches, Private's members get the very best castings, teens, MILF, top-model, reality and interracial content available, where they want and when they want.With exclusive content, shot in HD, and always starring the newest and best European talent, Private is the first stop for all porn connaisseurs.

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This paysite is part of "Private Cash" program

Private Cash affiliate program is largest European multilingual network of sites! It updated daily with the hottest HD scenes on the web. With over 10 sites covering all the top niches, Private's members get the very best castings, teens, MILF, top-model, reality and interracial content available, where they want and when they want. With exclusive content, shot in HD, and always starring the newest and best European talent, Private is the first stop for all porn connaisseurs.

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Paysites (3)Private
Private Castings
Private Fetish
Payout Rates45.00 EUR per signup
50.00 % rev share
5.00 % referral
Pay Period15 days
Minimum Payout100 EUR
Funds Hold14 days
Payment MethodsPaxum
Wire transfer
Subscriptions29.95 EUR for 30 days recurring on 29.95 EUR for 30 days
59.85 EUR for 90 days recurring on 59.85 EUR for 90 days
149.95 EUR for 365 days not recurring
SoftwareNats 4.0
Maximum allowed promo movie length600 sec (10 min)
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