April 25, 2014
Hello all,
thanks for staying with us. We are working hard to bring you hi-quality and fresh porn from most popular studios. Today we would like to announce a new subscribe feature. This feature will help you to receive updates from your favorite sections of our site in time. Keep track of your favorite studios, models or tags. We are currently sending bi-weekly updates to our users. Subscription is absolutely free, and get a maximum of 30 seconds of your time, the only you need is a working email address. Currently you can subscribe to maximum of 10 sections, you can also unsubscribe from any subscribed section anytime. When you are subscribed to a specific section you will get updates only from this section, not from all the website. To get updates from all the website, please subscribe on our index page: www.flyflv.com
We have prepared an animated guide to show you how to subscribe to your first section.
Go and subscribe right now!