Vegetarian and Straight Edge.
Name | Jessie Lee (Gay) |
Birthday | September 19, 1984 (40 year old) |
Race, Ethnicity | Asian |
Height | 1.57 m (5 ft 2 in) |
Weight | 51 kg (112.2 lbs) |
Measurements | 42-38-36 in |
Bust Size | 42 |
Vegetarian and Straight Edge.
Name | Jessie Lee (Gay) |
Birthday | September 19, 1984 (40 year old) |
Race, Ethnicity | Asian |
Height | 1.57 m (5 ft 2 in) |
Weight | 51 kg (112.2 lbs) |
Measurements | 42-38-36 in |
Bust Size | 42 |